Annual General Meeting and Presentation
Looking for Camaraderie, Contribution to Community, and the Opportunity to Support Local Restaurants? All in One Event?
Register for the Manitoba Psychological Society's virtual Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 25 from 5:00 - 7:30 pm. There will be no cost for this event. Deadline: Tuesday, March 23.
In addition to the business meeting, there will be a guest speaker, opportunity for small group conversations, and a student poster presentation.This year we are pleased to announce that Elder Pahan Pte San Win will be joining us to offer teachings related to the topic of land acknowledgements.
The evening’s schedule is as follows:
5:00 pm to 5:10 pm
Welcome and opening remarks
5:10 pm to 5:25 pm
Social connection break: an opportunity to reconnect with friends and colleagues
5:25 pm to 5:35 pm
Presentation of the MPS Dr. John Walker Student Research Award
5:35 pm to 6:35 pm
General Meeting (Full agenda here)
6:35 pm to 6:45 pm
6:45 pm to 7:30 pm
Elder Pahan Pte San Win’s teaching on land acknowledgements
Attendance at psychology association business meetings as well as at education events may be considered as continuing education credits for registration with P.A.M. Please arrange to complete the Verification of Attendance form with a colleague, if you wish to claim continuing education credits. Attendance at the full AGM and talk is expected to involve up to 2 ½ potential credit hours. MPS will not issue certificates for this event.

Pahan Pte San Win BSW RSW
With a degree in social work from the University of Calgary, Grandmother Pahan has provided counseling support to residential school survivors and traumatized women. She has been Spiritual Caregiver to incarcerated youth at the Manitoba Youth Centre and to incarcerated men at Stony Mountain Institution. These days she works with children in various school divisions in Winnipeg providing teachings and the love and guidance of a Grandmother. She is Lakota, Cree and Metis with roots that reach back to Wood Mountain, Saskatchewan and Yellowknife, NT. In 2017, Pahan received an “Honouring Our Elders’ Award” from the Aboriginal Circle of Educators, Winnipeg, MB.

Looking for a way to fill your stomach and your heart? (Meal Deal Deadline is Monday, March 22)
The AGM may be virtual this year but you can still enjoy a good meal and connect with colleagues and friends. Recognizing that many of you may be experiencing Zoom fatigue, we shortened our schedule but included some time for our membership to connect with one another in smaller break out rooms. One of our members, Dr. Cathy Moser, also came up with a wonderful idea that gives attendees an opportunity to fill both their stomachs and their hearts. Please see her message below:
"As a group, we are in the business of helping there will be no need to explain to you that there are many families experiencing more food insecurity than usual due to the pandemic. And you may also be aware that some of our favorite restaurants are disappearing as restrictions continue. I have been working on an initiative that is designed to make a tiny dent on both fronts - asking people to support their favorite restaurants and donate the same amount (or whatever they can) to feed those in need. Initially it was for homeless people (through SSCOPE), and more recently, it is for families who are in need (through school delivery). So far, 60 meals have been delivered to families - they consisted of a bison stew, bannock, and a dessert that fed 4-5 people.
When I saw that the MPS AGM was going to be virtual, I thought that this was a perfect way to give you an opportunity to participate in this initiative. All you have to do is order yourself a dinner for AGM night (or any night) and contribute some amount of money so that a family will be able to experience the luxury of a home cooked healthy meal."
Some restaurants have offered perks to donors. You can also feel free to support any Winnipeg restaurant that you choose.
Take a trip to the Middle East with
Joy Coffee Bar, 3311C Roblin Blvd.
Free delivery on AGM night for orders over $25.00
Rae and Jerry’s Steak House, 1405 Portage Ave.
Purchase a $100 gift card for $80.
Kristina’s, 761 Corydon
Free delivery and complimentary dessert.
Nicolino’s, 4-2077 Pembina Hwy
Free delivery within a radius and complimentary dessert
The French Way, 238 Lilac has promised to either make a special lunch that can be picked up, or simply contribute to the Heritage Fund with each meal purchased.
Bernstein's Deli, 1 – 1700 Corydon, has offered to provide something special or free delivery within a certain radius.
Little Pizza Heaven
120 Osborne Street, 1600 Ness Ave. 101 Regent and 160 St Anne’s Rd.
Buy a $50 gift card and receive an extra $10.
If you would like to contribute and receive one of the above 'deals', please call Cathy Moser BY MARCH 22nd at 204 295-3214 or email
MPS is delighted to support Cathy’s initiative by spreading the word to our membership. If you’re like me and live outside Winnipeg, you may wish to consider supporting a local restaurant and donating to a local foodbank or charity.
Hopefully, next year we’ll be, once again, sitting together at tables enjoying good food and good company in-person.
Warm regards,
Dr. Karen G. Dyck, C. Psych.
Executive Director
Manitoba Psychological Society